
Dev Log #3 – New Mob Type & Game Mechanics

Killer Mob Type I would like to first introduce a new mob type to the game. These guys who are dubbed killers, have increased speed when they catch you in their line of sight. They also attack faster than your regular zombie does and deal way more damage per hit. The video above shows your […]

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Dev Log #2 – Submachine Gun

Hello everyone. I haven’t given an update on the progress of development for a little while. So I’m back here to share some more goodies with you. I think from now on each week we will discuss at least one cool feature of Corpse Mansion. This way we can cover something new and exciting each […]

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Dev Log #1 – A Dev’s Diary

Hello everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank all my supporters! Without you guys I wouldn’t have made it this far. Also, a big shout out to my guys working on the project right now for Corpse Mansion, it can be mentally exhausting making an open world game or contributing to one in any way […]

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